The Journal of Jorca Badagar

Entry Six.

After returning to the Great Temple, we took time to train before leaving for Sluis Van, to retrieve a donated ship.  I have learned greater control in the Force and have improved my diplomatic skills.  Master Skywalker described our mission, stating that the trip to Sluis Van would be made by a New Republic CEC YVG Corvette, and that we would meet our contact in 10 days.  We would be contacted after arrival by a representative of the donor.  Master Skywalker gave us an account card with about 10,000 credits for parts, labor and expenses.

The trip to Sluis Van took 7 days and was uneventful.  We landed on the planet, disembarked and secured lodging at a New Republic off-duty officers lodge.  The suite cost 1,500 credits for 3 days and had a fully stocked kitchen, 4 bedrooms, a dining room, fresher, and closet.  After settling in, we went our separate ways.  Dakkin and I went sightseeing together.  Crysta and Koyi left for parts unknown, and Kang stayed behind.  I later learned that Crysta got a temporary dancing job at a casino/nightclub.

While wandering around a public park, Dakkin and I were surprised by an Ubese who stepped out from behind a tree and stuck a heavy blaster pistol under my nose, demanding money or other valuables.  This was a completely unexpected event.  I assume the Ubese was mentally unstable, as I did not sense any intent whatsoever prior to the incident.  Dakkin immediately drew and ignited his lightsaber, shoved me back and interposed himself between the Ubese and myself.  The Ubese stepped back to avoid being cut, then pulled and activated a thermal detonator from its clothing with its free hand.  This act ruined any chance at negotation with the Ubese, assuming that would have been successful to begin with.  Dakkin used a mind trick to convince the Ubese that we weren't important and that someone else might do.  Unfortunately, the mind trick was an overwhelming success.  The Ubese promptly turned and shot someone in the gathering crowd, still holding the the activated thermal detonator.  As the Ubese approached the unfortunate victim, it deactivated the thermal detonator and pocketed it.  I shot a stun bolt at it and missed.  Dakkin was far more accurate with his stun beam.  The authorities arrived while Dakkin was disarming and tying up the Ubese and I was treating the injured victim.  Thankfully no one died.  We were detained for questioning by the authorities for the rest of the day, during which time I reprimanded Dakkin for what could only be considered "poor hostage negotiation".

Our misadventure made not only the Sluis Van newsnet, but also the Holonet news.  Master Skywalker called for us shortly after we were released by the authorities.  We returned his call after returning to our quarters, where I explained the nature of events.  Koyi had apparently modified his R2 unit to tap into the Holonet transmission and was watching the call from another room.  After I finished talking, he yelled out that we would be making a short trip to Coruscant on the way back.  Master Skywalker said to contact him later regarding if we were or were not going to make a side-trip.  Crysta revealed she had gained employment.  We terminated the call, knowing that Master Skywalker would have more to discuss once we returned.  Koyi explained that the Coruscant business would be to deliver a package.  I'm uncertain of the details, but, if we do go there, perhaps Dakkin and I can get information on Dakkin's sister's disappearance.  As I retired, worn out from the day's events, I noticed that Brandt had been re-painted an aquamarine color.

The next day, I decided to remain in the suite and stay out of trouble and off the news channel.  Dakkin had a similar idea and decided to spend the next day or two meditating on his actions in the park and appeasing his conscience.  That night, Master Skywalker contacted us, informing us that we would meet our contact at 2:00 in the afternoon, local time tomorrow, at the contact's company headquarters.  The day came, and Kang, Koyi and I met at the appointed place.  We had to check our weapons at the door.  Kang managed to keep his Glankesh, a single-handed blade weapon; and I managed to keep my lightsaber.  We met our contact, an older man who was a corporate executive representing the ship donor.  He introduced us to his administrative assistant, a Twi'lek named Nela'diven, who handled the change of registry and showed us the ship.  The ship is a small, lightly armed freighter, called the Raven, which has been out of service for a few years.  On the way to the ship, we stopped by the officer's lodge and settled our account, moving out and contacting Crysta, who was at rehearsal for that night's performance.  After getting to the ship, we checked it out thoroughly.  Koyi made a list of required parts, of which there were several, including a hyperdrive motivator.  Koyi acquired these the next day.  I don't know where and I won't ask how, though he did wipe out the account card Master Skywalker gave us and asked me to request reimbursement for about 1,600 credits from the Academy.

We plan to take off in a day or two, bound first for Coruscant with a quick route change at Yag'dhul, then for Yavin 4 from Coruscant.  I do hope we'll have enough time to get information on Dakkin's sister...

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