The Journal of Jorca Badagar

Entry One.

Master Skywalker agreed to Jedi Initiate Dakkin's request to leave Yavin 4 to gain experience in the galaxy. The Master charged us with going to Dathomir to recover training lightsabers from the wreck of the Chu'unthor , as well as anything else we can find there. Accompanying us were Jedi Knight Kirana Ti, a Dathomiri native who has a separate mission there; our pilot, Toill Tevv, a Sullustan; Kangurvok, my closest friend and protector, who is large and furry with 6 appendages and claws on each; and a Sarkan soldier named Marssk Blurssk. Tevv agreed for us to use his ship, Mystic Halo, for the journey. I'm looking forward to finally getting off Yavin 4 and seeing other planets.

We reached Dathomir and spent several days traveling from clan village to clan village with Kirana Ti, demonstrating the Force in recruitment efforts. After that, all but Tevv and Kirana Ti rode rancors lent to us by the Singing Mountain Clan to the Chu'unthor. Exploration of the ship took 2 days before procuring our objective, and we estimate we saw only an eighth of the ship. We found 3 lightsabers. None of them had working power cells. We tried using the cell on the lightsaber Master Skywalker gave me, but the older lightsaber apparently had faulty wiring and fried the cell, leaving me with a knife and a vibroblade borrowed from Kang. Thankfully I have the Force. We also found what appeared to be sense-mazes, 3 small spherical objects with holes resembling those on certain types of cheese and several device that looks like a piece of wood mounted on a lightsaber hilt, which I have named a "sticksaber". I took one of these for my own use, since it's easier to use than a lightsaber and is probably good for learning how to use one. During the night we stayed in the medical ward, where we found a couple of working droids.  One of them pricked my hand & sampled my blood.  It unfortunately didn't have a working vocorder, so was unable to express the meaning of the number it relayed by tapping on the table.  While I was asleep, the others killed a slug-like creature that came from further down the ship.  On the way back from the Chu'unthor, we were chased by a Force-lightning wielding witch on a rancor. We pushed our rancors to their limits before finally reaching the safety of the Singing Mountain Clan's territory. Kang was rather badly blistered, not being able to ride a rancor with his 6 legs and large frame. He ran behind us and took the brunt of the witch's lightning. Dakkin managed to shoot the witch's rancor with a blaster. The only effect of that was to get the witch's attention, leading her to singe him. Kang then dropped behind her rancor and shot the witch, but didn't kill her. The witch left when we reached the clan's territory. I can now say that I have felt the Dark Side of the Force.

Our arrival left little time for recovery. I did manage to have the power cell of my lightsaber recharged. We joined a search party to find the witch that chased us. Kang located a blood trail and a decaying rancor. I dismounted to search the area and was found by a boar rat that apparently hadn't been able to flee the area and was rather angry. The boar surprised me and attacked before I could call for help. Dakkin, Kang and myself fought it. Dakkin delivered the killing blow, beheading the beast before it could kill me. I recieved several bad wounds. Fortunately, I had a medpac and Kang is skilled at healing. We pressed on and found an injured witch, recognized by the clan members who went with us as one of their own who has been missing for almost 2 years! Kang used my other medpac to treat her wounds and we brought her back to the village with us.

Kirana Ti was waiting for us with the ship and Tevv when we returned. They missed us by less than an hour. We showed her our discoveries from the Chu'unthor. She seemed pleased. The faulty lightsaber we found melted when she tried to use it with a new power cell. One of the lightsabers we found, with a green blade, wasn't a training saber. Kang took a look at my sticksaber and recommended putting a power cell on it. We did that to mine and to another. They started humming, and when Dakkin and I practiced with them, they shot sparks between them as they collided. I'm going to have to get another power cell to put in it. Right now, I think the sticksaber is a better weapon for me than the lightsaber, it's certainly less lethal, and I won't have to worry about cutting my foot off if I goof up while using it.

Kirana Ti was successful in her recruiting and we took a few prospective students back with us. A funny thing happened on the way back, however. We were pulled out of hyperspace by a little-known asteroid field surrounding a small star. Tevv and Kang had to repair the hyperdrive before we could leave. Thank the Force, we got back safely. Unfortunately, I missed most of the ride back, as I was kind of "stuck" in one of the mental mazes we found. They say I was in it for 2 weeks! I believe them, considering how hungry I was afterwards.

If I've learned anything from this mission, it's to be careful not to run into wild boar rats while looking for clues. And to carry extra power cells...


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