The Journal of Jorca Badagar

Entry Two.

It has been a week or so since our travel to and from Dathomir.  During this time, I learned new skills and have improved my lightsaber technique.  I was practicing against a remote, when a disturbance overhead caught my attention.  The others were around, doing their own things, including Crysta Lightwind, a short being with metallic gold skin, of a species I have never seen.  We observed two ships entering the atmosphere, firing at one another.  Dakkin used his macrobinoculars and identified them as a YT freighter and an assault shuttle.  The freighter managed to shoot the shuttle up pretty badly and the shuttle crashed in the jungle.  Master Skywalker told us to check it out, find out who was aboard and their intentions, then report back to him.  He assigned us a speeder transport, armed with a turret laser, manned by a hired Twi'lek named Koyi Olan.  He was wearing a flight suit, so I assume he's a pilot of some sort.

Dakkin, Crysta, Tevv, Marssk, Kang and I gathered our gear and some camo-cloaks and headed into the jungle.  Tevv drove, navigating mostly on instinct and, frankly, driving by the seat of his pants.  Crysta got ill during the ride.  We stopped about 3 hours hike from the crash site and walked in as night fell.  Koyi hadn't been hired to do anything but act as the gunner, so Crysta paid him to come with us.  Marssk stood guard with the speeder.

We hiked to the crash site and carefully scouted around.  We weren't the only ones, as we discovered when the Imperial scout and stormtrooper were spotted.  A fight ensued.  Crysta apparently saw the scout looking at Kang and fired an exploding arrow.  (She doesn't like blasters much, apparently, and uses a bow.  At least it's a silent weapon).  Koyi joined the fight with his ion pistol, hoping to jam their communications.  The scout went down, then came up with another of Crysta's arrows protruding from his posterior.  Both the scout and stormtrooper retreated into the ship.  Koyi shot at the ship's boarding ramp controls, jamming the ramp open.  I stayed hidden behind a massassi tree, telling Dakkin to use his lightsaber to disable the ship.  He proceded to cut open the engine and started melting it as the fight escalated near the ramp.  Kang, Crysta, Tevv and Koyi fought the stormtroopers from the bottom of the ramp, with the stormtroopers shooting down the ramp at them.  Koyi was injured during the fight, with a shot to the shoulder.  I pulled him to safety and treated his wound with the medpac I got off the Chu'unthor.  Crysta moved him to cover and started healing him with the Force.  Kang got mad and stormed the ship, followed by Tevv.  On the ship, he discovered 6 more stormtroopers, including one on a speeder bike.  They fired at each other and Kang went down, critically injured, falling on Tevv.  Tevv managed to shoot a stormtooper, even being pinned under Kang's immense body.  I sensed my friend's impending demise and blindly charged the ramp with my lightsaber lit.  I tripped on the ramp, however, and, in my recklessness, actually speared a stormtrooper.  The other stormtroopers locked themselves behind a blast door.  Thankfully, Master Skywalker and some other Jedi arrived.  Luke helped Kang, saving him from certain death.  Master Skywalker persuaded the stormtroopers to surrender.  Marssk arrived, having dealt with a scout on a speeder bike, who had attacked the speeder.

Master Skywalker will be expecting a full report shortly.  Next time, I think I'll give the others a plan of action before we wind up in a combat situation.  I'm certain it could have been avoided altogether.  Thankfully, none of us were killed.  I'm beginning to think I shouldn't be using a lightsaber.  It seems that every time I try to use it in combat, something bad happens.

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